Saturday, January 14, 2006

Good news and bad news

The good news today is that I have passed the final exam of my further training. I am now a Certified International Financial Accounting Specialist. Hallelujah! And Pascale has passed her last actuarial exam (the one where I supervised her), so she is a fully-fledged actuary now! Congratulations!!!

The bad news is that I have lost my pedometer. It's the icing on the cake of my week! I have not been well for a couple of days, unable to continue my marathon training, tired, miserable... Now that the ped is gone, it feels like I have lost a limb. I have worn it every day, to control that I do at least 10,000 steps. Now it's gone and I miss it... It was like a tamagotchi (I never owned a tamagotchi, so I am just guessing). Until I get a new one I have deactivated my membership at
Nicki Waterman, otherwise Nicki would flood my inbox with emails reminding my to enter my steps. She can be very persistent! But she is also a great motivator. I did not expect much, when I joined. Certainly not "personal training". But it is actually good value for money, at least for me. I found, what I was looking for.


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