Thursday, January 19, 2006

I am many animals

Yesterday at work we had a seminar on "behavioural studies". According to the guy who ran it there are four main types of behaviour. To visualise these he used animals: there is the lion, the owl, the horse and the monkey. If you are a lion, you are dominant, a risk taker and determined. Owls are meticulous, law-abiding and love detail. If you are a horse, you work hard, avoid conflicts and don't like to be the centre of attention. The monkeys on the other hand seek attention, are messy and unpunctual. Of course, there was much more to be said about each animal, but I have forgotten already. Apparently nobody is just one or the other of the above. But most people's behaviour will be dominated by one or two of the four styles. Each participant took a test to see which animal he or she is most. I am all four with almost equal percentages. Does this mean I am neither fish nor flesh or a Jack-of-all-trades? Apparently people like me are perfect team players and can do every job. (If you are predominately an owl, you are a perfect accountant, but a lousy salesperson.) I guess, that's good.

And today I found out, that I am also a camel. I bought new trainers and something that is called a "camel bak" (yes, it is spelt with a "k"). It looks a bit like a rucksack, but it is a drinking device developed originally for cyclists, who need to keep their hands on the handle bar. You carry the reservoir on the back and drink through a valve. I bought this because during the marathon it will be very important that I drink enough water. Currently I find it very hard to drink while I am running. It doesn't matter whether it's out of small bottles, large bottles or paper cups. The camel bak is the last and hopefully not futile attempt to solve this problem.

And of course, Mr Cat had to inspect this latest addition to our household immediately! Nothing escapes his notice...


At January 20, 2006 12:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sabine,

I read your notes with interest. Liked the part where you said you are all four of them??? and buying trainers with 'Camel Bak' on it is spooky!!! You cat is a clever one, needs to know what is going on around its surroundings:-) like any conscious person should do.

Namazzi xx

At January 23, 2006 3:56 am, Blogger Rurality said...

Hmm I think I'm a messy, determined, law-abiding conflict-avoider, LOL!


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