Sunday, April 02, 2006

The worst stats ever

Unsurprisingly here are the worst "stats of the week" since I started training oh so many months ago (I WANT MY LIFE BACK ... nah, only joking ... I am still enjoying it and it is only three more weeks):

Total running time this week: 4 hours 30 minutes (scheduled: 8 hours 32 minutes)

Total distance run: 36.7 km (scheduled 60.4 km)

I went for a long run today (190 min) and was free of pain. Happy bunny!
At the beginning of the week I had thought, all my labour was lost. Since I signed up for the marathon my worst nightmare has been an injury or another illness just before the race.

I did take my camera again today, but did not take many pictures. It started to rain after an hour or so and there wasn't much that attracted my attention.

There were a lot more people about today than usual. This could be because temperatures have risen or because I started my run more than an hour later than I normally do. (Yes, I had a bit of a lie-in this morning.)

Moles... gardeners all over the world hate them; I think they are fascinating. How can a creature so small, make hills that big?

Can you imagine what the labyrinth of passage-ways below must look like? In Germany they are protected, even the most annoyed gardener is not allowed to kill them. You can only try to scare them away. Or wait for them to leave on their own free will.

And now we proudly present... The darling buds of ... eh ... April

Yes, spring is coming!

I don't know how many times I have passed this stump without noticing the face. I did notice the tag but not the rest.

Oh, and did you know mandarin duck live on trees?


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