Sunday, September 24, 2006

Berlin is everywhere

This morning the Berlin marathon took place. A quick look at London Marathon website revealed that my second marathon is 6 months and 27 days away. My current fitness state is still best described as "couch potatoe ahoy". But no reason to panic, all is not lost. So this morning, I gave myself the long overdue kick in the butt and went on a Sunday morning run in the forest.

And due to popular demand the stats of the week are back:

Total running time this week: 1 hour, 11 minutes
Total distance run: 10 k

You are not impressed? Neither am I. But it is a start. And it included time for taking pictures...

Did you know trees can grow in cascades?

Is that what I think it is???

Yes, it's the first signs of autumn! I cannot believe I have missed the forest in summer completely. But there is no mistaking it, autumn is back.

And so is the runner's natural enemy: the common Nordic walker. This group was especially annoying, because the where of the kind that drags the sticks behind instead of swinging them properly. This way it may be safer for the runners and less lives will be lost, but... why bother if you aren't doing it properly?

My feathered friends at the little lake are also still here. It's good that some things don't change.


At October 03, 2006 3:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ich, julia (16 jahre) wollte fragen: hats du auch ne e-mail adresse??? ich wollt dich naemlcih mal was fragen, was ihc jetzt aber nicht so unbedingt hier rein schreiben wollte!!!!!
wenn du sie nicht weitergeben moechtest is auch kein problem! =)
könnt ich verstehen...
lg, julia! (aus deutschland)

At October 03, 2006 4:32 pm, Blogger Sabine said...

Hi Julia,

klingt ja geheimnisvoll! Du kannst diese Adresse benutzen (ohne die Leerzeichen):

sabine1302 @ unterderbruecke . de

Wenn du nicht die bist, die du zu sein vorgibst, setzte ich dich gnadenlos auf die Spamliste. :-)


At October 30, 2006 4:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey du!
wollt nur mal nachfragen:
hast du eigentlich jetzt meine mail bekommen...ich weiß nciht, aber ich meine eigetnlcih, dass ich die richtige adresse angegeben habe...


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