Sunday, October 01, 2006

Change of course

Things are not going well. Only one week after the return of the "stats of the week", they are gone again. "Why, oh why?" do you ask. Well, my %$&§ Polar pulse watch died and normal watch maker shops don't fix them. Even if it is just the battery that has gone flat, you have to send the watch to Polar. Argh! I haven't done that yet, because I thing it's a stupid arrangement. I will find a watch maker that is brave enough to open this Pandora's box.

But for the stats of the week it means that I don't really know for how long I ran. Today it was the usual 10k and my guess is that it took me about 60 min. That's the best I can do.

I felt like doing something different today, so for the first time ever I ran the 10k round... THE OTHER WAY AROUND! Hah, you didn't think I could be such a dare devil, right?!

I was hoping that I would see some good photo opportunities that I normally mis, because they are in my back. Unfortunately I have to report, there aren't any. So, next week I will run the right way around again.

*begin bitch mode* And when summer is over, the trainer drives his herd of Nordic Walkers from the mountain pastures to their stables in the valley (in German we call this
Almabtrieb (Wikipedia - English explanation)) *end bitch mode*

My mantra for the rest of the day: Nordic Walkers are lovely people, I love Nordic Walkers, Nordic Walkers are lovely people, I...


At October 02, 2006 9:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear Sbaine

Since we met during the run, I can tell you I did the 10k round twice and bumped at least into 60 to 80 Nordic Walker(s)?, preferably using the whole path and deciding to do a U-turn just when I tried to past them, urgh!!! If you come across an dead Nordic Walker (if I ever see someone on his own and not on a herd)it is a good chance he got killed by me!They ar not levely people they think they are the better half of the world and therefore the world and especially the forest belongs to them.

At October 03, 2006 8:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry that it was difficult to get past the Nordic Walkers. It’s the same way I get when there are too many people around in one area. I get all uncomfortable and nervous :( I love your pictures and am so envious that you have such beauty to look at when you train. I’m glad to read that training is going well. I hope you reach your goal sooner than expected :D Take Care @>-->----

At October 04, 2006 12:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done my friend. I am starting to feel inspired ... I really need to get back to walking at least - i haven't for so long. I am bad, bad, bad.
What are Nordic walkers for goodness sake???!

At October 04, 2006 12:50 pm, Blogger Sabine said...

Welcome back, chiefbiscuit! How was your holiday? I expect an update on your blog soon! :-)

What is a Nordic Walker? You mean apart from a pest? Check this:


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