Saturday, November 18, 2006

Cat fight

To cheer myself up a bit I decided to make a couple of pictures of Mr Cat. He wasn't happy.

"Oi, aren't you the one who starved me this morning, put me in a plastic box, held me when the horror lady took my blood and drove a needle into my bum?"

"Eh, yes. That's not quite the way I would look at it, but yes."

"I knew it! I am not talking to you. Go away."

"Oh, wait a minute! What's that?"

"It's called a camera."

"I know that, stupid. I am talking about that thing there, dangling in front of my nose."

"You mean the wrist strap?"

"Yeeesssssss! It's as good as dead!"

RIP wrist wrap.


At November 18, 2006 5:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get well soon, Mr. Cat. Eat fewer camera straps and you will be fine.


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