Sunday, January 14, 2007

Stats of the week - week 9

Due to my trip to Paris, Jens had reduced my running programme for the week.

Total running time: 2 hours
Total distance run: 16 k
Total steps: 73,493

Must do more in week 10. To motivate myself I have booked a flight today to Manchester in March. Only a couple of days, but it will be good. Have been told, the only thing to do in Manchester is shop.

Mr Cat has just stepped into his carrier for inspection. He had a little... accident in there when we went to the vet a couple of weeks ago. So I ordered a new pillow. Even if you wash them, the smell doesn't go away completely. He has been avoiding the carrier since then, must have been for just that reason. He seems to like the new pillow. He is not coming back out.


At January 15, 2007 10:44 am, Blogger Kay Cooke said...

Nice to get the updates.

At January 20, 2007 12:42 am, Blogger Rurality said...

You OK? I heard you've had some big winds over there!


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