Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Signs of improvement?

Day 1 of the insulin treatment. This morning Mr Cat and I had a little disput about the necessity of the insulin shot. I won, but only because he is still a bit weak and currently only has half the power he used to have (ever tried to hold 10kg of cat that wants to get away?). He didn't eat a lot, but immediately started drinking lots of water and then just sat there with a droopy head. I went to work worrying about him.

My dad looked after him during the day and when I called my parents in the afternoon, they told me he had been very passive and hadn't eaten and didn't beg. I was even more worried then. When I came home tonight, he wasn't at the door to greet me as is his habit. He was still lying on his pillow (like on the picture currently in my profile) and only got up slowly when I called him. He wouldn't open one of his eyes and looked ill. I gave him the second insulin shot and opened a tin of his favourite food (which is sugar free, thank God). And then... he ate!

And he begged for a little more. For the first time in the six years that he has been with me, I was happy about this! And he did not drink at all. Instead he started cleaning his fur. Now he is back on the pillow, but his head is up and he is watching me. I hope this means that the insulin is working and he is improving. Tomorrow morning we have to return to the vet for a check up. Fingers crossed he is even more restored to his old self then.


At November 21, 2006 8:08 pm, Blogger Rurality said...

Aww, poor little kitty. Glad to hear he appears to be getting better, though!

At November 21, 2006 10:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Sabine

hope Mr Cat gets better soon.

i've got type 2 diabetes, i take 3 tablets of metaformin, 1 blood pressure tablet and 1 cholestrol tablet

At November 21, 2006 10:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


that last post was from topcat (Tracy) from Nicki Waterman.

Hope you are ok.


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